Thursday, January 12, 2006


Health is one of my biggest concerns when I'm travelling. Maybe it's because for some time I was without health insurance and got paranoid and disenfranchised. That's why I hate those agents of things that could ruin my health.

I hate flies because they land on all the shit that's around and then they crawl all over you. ech.

I hate cars. I've always hated cars because the knuckleheads behind the wheel never seem to see you. On top of that, here they honk incessantly in your ear.

I hate mosquitoes. Last year, when I went without malaria prevention medication, mosquitoes were my little demons, with their high pitched zzzzzz in my ear.

Unfortunately, last night I got a high fever and was shivering and sweating uncontrollably. Bad luck, because I've been taking the medication every day, but because I didn't have my luggage (with my pills) on me until I got to the area (you're supposed to start the day before you get into a malarious area), I got hit with it. The worst part about mosquitoes is that they're attracted to heat, so when you're feverish, they're even more aggressive. it was pretty interesting, lying there, sweating in my sleeping bag and feeling damn cold, and watching the little buggers right outside my mosquito net, furiously buzzing around me.

Don't worry, I'm getting treatment at the local clinic. But last night was not fun as I got hit with the double-whammie of malaria and dyssentery at the same time. What can I say, it's just an assault on the senses and body to be here right now, with the crowds, the sketchy restaurants and water. I'll be resting up.

Doesn't mean that things have been all bad. The foreign devotees had a private audience with His Holiness yesterday, which was woooonderful. Will write more about that later.


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